Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are you overflowing or running on fumes?

I had the privilege last night of attending the Pott Lincoln Baptist Association Sunday School training at Sharon Baptist Church.  I was definitely blessed by the words spoken and empowered to be faithful to leading in my Sunday School class.  See, as one of the speakers Scott Pace (professor at OBU) stated in his address, God only calls us to be faithful to him. We naturally have a predetermined set of outcomes that we look for to discern if something was successful or not. But that's not what God said. He said "Well done good and faithful servant" Matt. 25:23.  God is pleased when we are faithful.  One of the other speakers spoke on building relationships.  My wife said that one thing she remembered about this topic was that the speaker stressed the importance of being filled up each day.  Filled up meaning you have spent time with God in prayer and in his word so that you are prepared for the day and possible ministry opportunities God has given you.  If you aren't filled up, how are you going to be prepared to show God's love to someone else or speak words of encouragement. You can only share God's love from what He has given you.  You can't receive it unless you spend time meeting with him. The picture of you overflowing with God's love and direction is one that people will be drawn to and seek out for help. If you are intentional about building your Sunday School and reaching people with God's love you got to get filled up.  Then in turn, they can learn how to get filled up to bless someone else. May God bless your ministry.

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